Wednesday 28 January 2015

Vitamin A deficiency is very lethal

Vitamin A is very necessary for body.It is the vitamin of vision.It provides many function in body.
Although it is required in very small amount.But it is needed always.the life without vitamin is impossible.They act as catalyst in body.that why we have to take it properly in our diet.
As vitamin A is necessary for eyes,genes transcription ,metabolism and many other function in body.
It is very important for skin also.Due to deficiency of this vitamin A ,these normal function becomes abnormal.

Effects of deficiency

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The deficiency mainly causes

Night blindness

It is also called nyctalopia.In this person lost his vision completely or incompletely.
It is very dangerous may occcur from pregnancy.That why mother are asked to take proper 
diet of vitamin in pregnancy.



It is dryness of skin.In this state , the skin becomes like toad skin.
It is very poor condition.
These all condition makes person more susceptible to infection.


By taking proper diet and supplement ,it can be avoided.


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