Monday 9 February 2015



Antipsychotic drugs Classification 

4.2.1 Antipycotic drugs


Group 1 of antipsychotic Drugs

1 chlorpromazine hydrochloride
2 levomepromazine
3 promazine

Group 2 of antipsychotic Drugs

4 pericyazine
5 pipotiazine

Group 3 of antipsychotic Drugs

6 fluphenazine
7 perphenazine
8 prochlorperazine
9 trifluoperazine
10 benperidol
11 haloperidol
12 pimozide
13 flupentizol
14 zuclopenthzole
Substituted benzamide
15 sulpride

Atypical antipsychotic drugs List Given in BNF

1 amisulpride
2 aripiprazole
3 clozapine
4 olanzapine
5 peliperidone
6 quetiapine
7 risperidone
8 sertindole
9 zotepine

4.2.2 Antipsychotic depot injection List as given in BNF

1 flupentixol decanoate
2 fluphenazine decanoate
3 haloperidol
4 olanzapine embonate
5 pipotiazine palmitate
6 risperidone
7 zuclopenthixol decanoate

4.2.3 Antimanic drugs

Mood stabilizer Drug

1 benzodiazipine
2 antipsychotic drugs
3 carbamezipine
4 valporate
5 lithium carbonate

6 lithium citrate

drugs control  depression  

 Classification of All drugs
A) Classification of Drugs acting on Central Nervous System:-
  1. Classification of Anesthetics Drugs , Click here 
  2. Classification of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics Drugs , Click here
  3. Classification of Antipsycotic and Antimanic Drugs , Click here
  4. Classification of Anti Depressants , Click here
  5. Classification of Attention Deficit Hyper activity Disorder , Click here
  6. Classification of Drugs For Vertigo and Nausea ,Click here
  7. Classification of Opoids , Click here
  8. Classification of Anti Migraine ,Click here
  9. Classification of Epilepsy Drugs , Cllick here
  10. Classification of Parkinson Disease Drugs , Click here
  11. Classification of Drugs For Drugs Dependence ,Click here 
B) Classification of Cardiovascular Drugs
  1. Classification of Diuretics , Click here
  2. Classification of Antiarrhythmic Drugs , Click here
  3. Classification of Antihypertensive Drugs , Click here
  4. Classification of Angina Pectoris ,Click here
  5. Classification of Cardiac Sympathomimetic Drugs ,Clicik here
  6. Classification of Anti coagulant Drugs ,Click here
  7. Classification of Anti Fibrinolytic Drugs , Click here
  8. Classification of Anti Hyperlipidemic Drugs ,Click here
C) Drugs For Ear, Nose and Mouth 
  1.   Classification of Drugs for Ear, Nose and Mouth ,Click here
D) Classification of drugs used in Endocrine System
  1. Classification of Anti Diabetic Drugs , Click here
  2. Classification of Sex Hormones , Click Here
  3. Classification of Hypothalamic and Pituitary hormones , Click here
E) Classification of ophthalmic Drugs 
  1. Classification Of Ophthalmic Drugs, Click here
F) Classification of Drugs used For GIT
  1. Classification of Drugs used For Dyspepsia ,Click here
  2. Classification of Diarrhea and IBS ,Click here
  3. Classification of Laxatives ,Click here
  4. Classification of Hemorrhoids ,Click here
G)Classification of Vaccines 
  1. Classification of Vaccines ,Click Here


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