Wednesday 28 January 2015

Vitamin A deficiency is very lethal

Vitamin A is very necessary for body.It is the vitamin of vision.It provides many function in body.
Although it is required in very small amount.But it is needed always.the life without vitamin is impossible.They act as catalyst in body.that why we have to take it properly in our diet.
As vitamin A is necessary for eyes,genes transcription ,metabolism and many other function in body.
It is very important for skin also.Due to deficiency of this vitamin A ,these normal function becomes abnormal.

Effects of deficiency

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The deficiency mainly causes

Night blindness

It is also called nyctalopia.In this person lost his vision completely or incompletely.
It is very dangerous may occcur from pregnancy.That why mother are asked to take proper 
diet of vitamin in pregnancy.



It is dryness of skin.In this state , the skin becomes like toad skin.
It is very poor condition.
These all condition makes person more susceptible to infection.


By taking proper diet and supplement ,it can be avoided.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Importance of Vitamin A

Vitamin is vital amine.they are used in used in body from very minor system to very major 
system.Without them life is impossible.At the same time they can not be prepared by body.
they remain inside body.
They are used as catalyst.They work as catalyst.They become the part  of metabolism but they never 
metabolized.That ,s why they are needed in very small amount.

Vitamin A best use

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For Sources of Vitamin A image description .just click here


Vitamin A is very important for the vision of a person.From pregnancy to end of life,it has 
remain importance.If there is problem in the provision of the vitamin during pregnancy,many 
fatal result may occur.Baby may lost his eye sight r may have eye with improper efficiency.

Vitamin A effects on Body including eye

Gene transcription

Vitamin A is very useful in genetic process.If its working is disturbed ,mutation may occur.
Gene transcription is a process in which gene is duplicated in to two genes for genetic process.
It is very useful for life regularity.

Gene transcription process


In skin ,it is very useful.It makes the skin beautiful,It help to remain fresh skin.
For this reason it is included in very skin products.
It has powerful anti Oxidant activity.It is very helpful for acne.
It is very necessary for bettter skin


This is one of the product available in market.But consult docter or Pharmacist for using this.

Vitamin A sources with image description

Vitamins are vital amines needed by body.But body can not prepare it in the it has to take from out side.
This vitamin is needed in many body functions specially vision regularity.
Besides this it is needed for gene transcription,immune function,bone metabolism,skin health ,cellular health and antioxidant activity.
 Vitamin A is very necessary vitamin .

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Sources of Vitamin A and amount

Cod liver oil
 In cod liver oil ,its amount is 30000 μg

Cod Liver OIl

Saturday 24 January 2015

Coffee Effects on Skin cancer

 Here we have many good news for coffee lover. According to recent study drinking coffee near four or more cups a day that is a fairly heavy amount—is linked to  reduce risk of melanoma that is the most deadly form  of skin cancer.
Salman Khan ,the bollywood King drinks
coffee to lengthen their media life.
He is very conscious about his daily diet.

Salman khan likes coffee

Saturday 17 January 2015

JOHNSON AND JOHNSON got 150 millions$ to eradicate Ebola virus.

Ebola virus

The grant comes from Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) in Europe, and is meant to speed up development and clinical trial of Ebola vaccine and awareness of vaccination.

J&J’s Ebola vaccine as well as on drug production and a campaign to raise awareness of the vaccination.
J&J is working along with a newly formed association that includes the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the University of Oxford and La Centre Muraz among others.

Despite the fact that Ebola outbreaks have been occurring for decades, the commercial incentive for large companies to research the disease did not exist because of the low number of patients.

But in recent months, health authorities and some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies have been racing to develop treatments for those infected with the Ebola virus and vaccines to protect those not yet sickened.

In October, J&J committed $200 million to Ebola research and began testing its drug in humans on January 6. The early-stage clinical trial is being led by the University of Oxford’s pediatrics department. The company plans to have more than 400,000 doses available for large-scale clinical trials by April and looking for trials in Europe and Africa.

Johnson & Johnson is not the only pharmaceutical company working on Ebola vaccine.

GlaxoSmithKline is planning to begin human trials in five countries next month.
Merck started its own trials in December, although it recently encountered set back after volunteers experienced joint pain.
Chimerix started testing on patients in Liberia earlier this month, in partnership with Oxford University and Doctors Without Borders.

The Ebola has claimed near 8,200 lives and infected 20,000 in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea since it started early last year.

Wednesday 7 January 2015


"Americans have more sustenance to consume than some other individuals and more eating regimens to keep them from consuming it."

In the previous week I can't let you know how often I have seen the expression diet. US magazine has eats less carbs that work. Then again, how J Lo takes after a certain eating regimen. Open any web program and some kind of eating methodology is the first thing you see.

control diet

That being said, the ideal eating methodology has no name. The reason is on account of the ideal eating methodology out there is a blend of all the standard weight control plans

Thursday 1 January 2015

China weeping start of HAPPY NEW YEAR

(Reuters) - Chinese state media and the general population censured the legislature and police on Friday for neglecting to keep a New Year's Eve rush in Shanghai that killed 36 individuals and imprinted the city's picture as current China's worldwide money related center point.

Separated from Hong Kong, which is run as a different domain, Shanghai is China's most universal and cosmopolitan city, a breathtaking home to worldwide organizations with desire to turn into a world budgetary focus by 2020.

The authority Xinhua news office said the legislature couldn't shake obligation regarding what happened. It inquired as to why there were obviously so few police on obligation for the many thousands thronging Shanghai's popular waterfront, known as the Bund.

"It was an absence of vigilance from the administration, a messiness," the news org composed.

Xinhua noted that the pulverize happened not a long way from a tremendously trumpeted new facilitated commerce zone portrayed as the "pride of the nation".

"The calamity, which happened in China's money related center point of Shanghai, served as a wake-up call that the world's second-biggest economy is still a creating nation which has delicate social administration.It become general concept of people about china.
For other information go this Link
china mishap
china weeping

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