Sunday 22 November 2015



Acne is condition that happens when hair follicles got plugged with dead skin cells and oil.  It is characterized by pimples on skin, especially on face because of infected or inflamed sebaceous glands and is common mostly among adolescents.

It also appears on   neck, shoulders chest and back. Treatments are available. Acne may be consistent. The pimples heal slowly, and when one pimple starts to go away, others look to grow up.
Acne is common in teenagers 70 to 87 percent.  Younger children are more getting acne.

 Acne can produce emotional distress depending upon its severity and also scar the skin. Earlier start of treatment results in less your risk of physical and emotional destruction.

Thursday 19 November 2015



Tachycardia is more fast rate than normal heart rate noted at rest. A healthy heart rate is about 60 to 100 when a person is at rest. If a person has tachycardia, heart rate in lower chambers or upper chambers of heart or both will increase.
Heart rate can be controlled by signals electrically generated sent through heart tissues. It occurs by abnormality in heart producing rapid electrical signals.

It may cause or may not cause symptoms. But it can seriously disturb normal heart function, increasing risk of stroke, or may cause heart attack.
Tachycardia and Normal heart beat
EKG showing tachycardia
List of symptoms with image description that will help you to get best of learning.
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 what is Vomiting ? Click here
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What is GERD ? Click here
What is Bradycardia? Click here
What is trachycardia? Click here

Wednesday 18 November 2015


Difference of Normal and Bradycardia Heart rate

 Bradycardia is slower rate than normal rate of heart beat. Heart beats 60 to 100 times in a minute at rest in adult. Person with bradycardia have heart beats less than 60 times in a minute.
It may be serious if heart doesn’t provide enough oxygenated blood to the body. In many people it doesn’t cause complications and symptom.

 An implanted pacemaker and other treatments may correct bradycardia and help your heart maintain an appropriate rate.
Cardiogram Showing Bradycardia
List of symptoms with image description that will help you to get best of learning.
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 what is Vomiting ? Click here
What is Nausea ? Click here
What is GERD ? Click here
What is Bradycardia? Click here
What is trachycardia? Click here


GERD Stomache on fire

Gastro esophageal reflux disease is chronic digestive disease. It happens when stomach acid, stomach content flows back into mouth. The reflux irritates lining of esophagus and causes Gastro esophageal reflux disease. 
NORMAL and GERD Stomache
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 what is Vomiting ? Click here
What is Nausea ? Click here
What is GERD ? Click here
What is Bradycardia? Click here
What is trachycardia? Click here

Monday 16 November 2015


vomiting sign
It is the ejection of matter through mouth through esophagus.
Vomiting smili

vomiting Ejection of matter
What is Vertigo?Click here
 what is Vomiting ? Click here
What is nausea ? Click here

Friday 13 November 2015


Vertigo symptoms
a feeling of spinning and  balance loss, specially  looking down from  height ,
 or disease disturbing  inner ear , vestibular nerve

vertigo definition

vestibuler system disturbance causing vertigo
List of symptoms with image description that will help you to get best of learning.
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 what is Vomiting ? Click here


a sensation of vomiting but actually there is no vomiting
.It is different from vomiting because in it no ejection of anything from mouth


nausea sensation
List of symptoms with image description that will help you to get best of learning.
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 what is Vomiting ? Click here

Thursday 9 April 2015


Classification of antiviral drugs

Drugs used for  HIV infection

Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibators

1 abacavir
2 didanosine
3 emtricitabine
4 lamivudine
5 stavudine
6 tenofovir disoproxil
7 zidovudine

Protease inhibators Anti Viral

1 atazanavir
2 darunavir
3 fosamprenavir
4 indinavir
5 lopinavir with ritonavir
6 nelfinavir
7 ritonavir
8 saquinavir
9 tipranavir

Non nucleotide reverse transcriotase inhibators Anti viral

1 efavirenz
2 etravirine
3 nevirapine

Antiretrovirals Antivirus

1 enfuvirtide
2 maraviroc
3 raltigravir
Add caption

Antiviral detailed Classification 


Drugs used for Herpes simplex and vericella zoster infection

1 acyclovir
2 famciclovir
3 inosine pranobex
4 valacyclovir

 Drug used for Cytomegalovirus infection

1 cidofovir
2 ganciclovir
3 foscarnet sodium
4 valganciclovir


1 adefovir dipivoxil
2 entecavir
3 telbivudine


1 Amantadine hydrochloride
2 oseltamivir
3 zanamivir


1 palizumab
2 ribavirin

Antiviral Drugs 

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Protein synthesis Inhibitor Antibiotics


1 Tetracycline
2 democlocycline hydrochloride
3 doxycycline
4 lymecycline
5 minocycline
6 oxytetracycline
7 tigecycline

tetracyclines classification


1 Gentamycin
2 amikacin
3 neomycin sulphate
4 tobramycin


1 Erythromycin
2 azithromycine
3 clithromycin
4 telithromycin



1 Chloramphenicol
2 fusidic acid
4 teicoplanin
5 daptomycin
6 linezolid
7 quinupristin and dalfopristin
8 polymyxins(colistin)

antibiotics mechanism of Action

Wednesday 18 March 2015



Structure of Penicillin and Cephalosporin


Benzyl penicillin and phenoxymethylpenicillin

1 benzyl penicillin sodium
2 phenoxy methyl penicillin

Penicillinase resistant penicillin

1 flucoxacillin
2 temocillin

Broad spectrum penicillins

1 ampicillin
2 co amoxiclav
3 co fluampicil

Antipseudomonal  penicillins

1 pipercillin with tazobactum
2 ticarcillin with clavulanic acid


1 pivmecillinam hydrochloride


Classification of Cephalosporin

1 cefaclor
2 cefadroxil
3 cefalexin
4 cefotaxime
5 cefpodoxime
6 cefradine
7 ceftazidime
8 ceftriaxone
9 cefuroxime



1 dormipenem
2 ertapenem
3 imepenem with cilastatin
4 meropenem

Other beta lactum antibiotics

1 aztreonam
3 vancomycin

Classification of Cell Wall inhibators

Thursday 5 March 2015


Antifungal Drugs

Polyene antifungal

1 amphotericin
2 nystatin

Imidazole antifungal

1 clotrimazole
2 econazole
3 ketoconazole
4 sulconazole
5 ticonazole

Triazole antifungal

1 flouconazole
2 itraconazole
3 posaconazole
4 voriconazole

Echinocandin antifungal

1 flucytosine
2 griseoful
3 terbinafine

Antifungal Classification Based on Structure

 Classification of All drugs
A) Classification of Drugs acting on Central Nervous System:-
  1. Classification of Anesthetics Drugs , Click here 
  2. Classification of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics Drugs , Click here
  3. Classification of Antipsycotic and Antimanic Drugs , Click here
  4. Classification of Anti Depressants , Click here
  5. Classification of Attention Deficit Hyper activity Disorder , Click here
  6. Classification of Drugs For Vertigo and Nausea ,Click here
  7. Classification of Opoids , Click here
  8. Classification of Anti Migraine ,Click here
  9. Classification of Epilepsy Drugs , Cllick here
  10. Classification of Parkinson Disease Drugs , Click here
  11. Classification of Drugs For Drugs Dependence ,Click here 
B) Classification of Cardiovascular Drugs
  1. Classification of Diuretics , Click here
  2. Classification of Antiarrhythmic Drugs , Click here
  3. Classification of Antihypertensive Drugs , Click here
  4. Classification of Angina Pectoris ,Click here
  5. Classification of Cardiac Sympathomimetic Drugs ,Clicik here
  6. Classification of Anti coagulant Drugs ,Click here
  7. Classification of Anti Fibrinolytic Drugs , Click here
  8. Classification of Anti Hyperlipidemic Drugs ,Click here
C) Drugs For Ear, Nose and Mouth 
  1.   Classification of Drugs for Ear, Nose and Mouth ,Click here
D) Classification of drugs used in Endocrine System
  1. Classification of Anti Diabetic Drugs , Click here
  2. Classification of Sex Hormones , Click Here
  3. Classification of Hypothalamic and Pituitary hormones , Click here
E) Classification of ophthalmic Drugs 
  1. Classification Of Ophthalmic Drugs, Click here
F) Classification of Drugs used For GIT
  1. Classification of Drugs used For Dyspepsia ,Click here
  2. Classification of Diarrhea and IBS ,Click here
  3. Classification of Laxatives ,Click here
  4. Classification of Hemorrhoids ,Click here
G)Classification of Vaccines 
  1. Classification of Vaccines ,Click Here


List of AntiTuberculosis Drugs with image description

First Line Therapy of tuberculosis

Anti Tb Drugs

ethambutol hydrochloride

Second Line therapy of Tuberculosis


Drugs used in Tuberculosis

 Classification of All drugs
A) Classification of Drugs acting on Central Nervous System:-
  1. Classification of Anesthetics Drugs , Click here 
  2. Classification of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics Drugs , Click here
  3. Classification of Antipsycotic and Antimanic Drugs , Click here
  4. Classification of Anti Depressants , Click here
  5. Classification of Attention Deficit Hyper activity Disorder , Click here
  6. Classification of Drugs For Vertigo and Nausea ,Click here
  7. Classification of Opoids , Click here
  8. Classification of Anti Migraine ,Click here
  9. Classification of Epilepsy Drugs , Cllick here
  10. Classification of Parkinson Disease Drugs , Click here
  11. Classification of Drugs For Drugs Dependence ,Click here 
B) Classification of Cardiovascular Drugs
  1. Classification of Diuretics , Click here
  2. Classification of Antiarrhythmic Drugs , Click here
  3. Classification of Antihypertensive Drugs , Click here
  4. Classification of Angina Pectoris ,Click here
  5. Classification of Cardiac Sympathomimetic Drugs ,Clicik here
  6. Classification of Anti coagulant Drugs ,Click here
  7. Classification of Anti Fibrinolytic Drugs , Click here
  8. Classification of Anti Hyperlipidemic Drugs ,Click here
C) Drugs For Ear, Nose and Mouth 
  1.   Classification of Drugs for Ear, Nose and Mouth ,Click here
D) Classification of drugs used in Endocrine System
  1. Classification of Anti Diabetic Drugs , Click here
  2. Classification of Sex Hormones , Click Here
  3. Classification of Hypothalamic and Pituitary hormones , Click here
E) Classification of ophthalmic Drugs 
  1. Classification Of Ophthalmic Drugs, Click here
F) Classification of Drugs used For GIT
  1. Classification of Drugs used For Dyspepsia ,Click here
  2. Classification of Diarrhea and IBS ,Click here
  3. Classification of Laxatives ,Click here
  4. Classification of Hemorrhoids ,Click here
G)Classification of Vaccines 
  1. Classification of Vaccines ,Click Here

Wednesday 4 March 2015

VACCINES And immunological produsts

Immunity types

Vaccines and antisera

1 anthrax vaccine
2 bacillus calmette Guerin vaccine (BCG)
3 botulism antitoxin
4 cholera vaccine
5 diphtheria vaccine
6 haemophilus type B conjugate vaccine
7 hepatitis A vaccine
8 hepatitis B vaccine
9 human papilloma virus vaccine
10 influenza vaccine
11 japanese encephalitis vaccine
12 measles vaccine
13 measles,mumps,and rubella vaccine(MMR)
14 meningococcal vaccines
15 mumps vaccine
16 pertussis vaccine
17 pneumococcal vaccines
18 poliomyelitis vaccine
19 rabies vaccine
20 rotavirus vaccine
21 rubella vaccine
22 smallpox vaccine
23 tetanus vaccine
24 tick borne encephalitis vaccine
25 thyphoid vaccine
26 vericella zoster vaccine
27 yellow fever vaccine



Normal immunoglobin

Disease specific imminoglobins

1 hepatitis B immunoglobulin
2 rabies immunoglobulin
3 tetanus immunoglobulin
4 vericella zoster immunoglobulin

Anti d(Rh0)immunoglobulin

Schedule Of vaccination

 Classification of All drugs
A) Classification of Drugs acting on Central Nervous System:-
  1. Classification of Anesthetics Drugs , Click here 
  2. Classification of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics Drugs , Click here
  3. Classification of Antipsycotic and Antimanic Drugs , Click here
  4. Classification of Anti Depressants , Click here
  5. Classification of Attention Deficit Hyper activity Disorder , Click here
  6. Classification of Drugs For Vertigo and Nausea ,Click here
  7. Classification of Opoids , Click here
  8. Classification of Anti Migraine ,Click here
  9. Classification of Epilepsy Drugs , Cllick here
  10. Classification of Parkinson Disease Drugs , Click here
  11. Classification of Drugs For Drugs Dependence ,Click here 
B) Classification of Cardiovascular Drugs
  1. Classification of Diuretics , Click here
  2. Classification of Antiarrhythmic Drugs , Click here
  3. Classification of Antihypertensive Drugs , Click here
  4. Classification of Angina Pectoris ,Click here
  5. Classification of Cardiac Sympathomimetic Drugs ,Clicik here
  6. Classification of Anti coagulant Drugs ,Click here
  7. Classification of Anti Fibrinolytic Drugs , Click here
  8. Classification of Anti Hyperlipidemic Drugs ,Click here
C) Drugs For Ear, Nose and Mouth 
  1.   Classification of Drugs for Ear, Nose and Mouth ,Click here
D) Classification of drugs used in Endocrine System
  1. Classification of Anti Diabetic Drugs , Click here
  2. Classification of Sex Hormones , Click Here
  3. Classification of Hypothalamic and Pituitary hormones , Click here
E) Classification of ophthalmic Drugs 
  1. Classification Of Ophthalmic Drugs, Click here
F) Classification of Drugs used For GIT
  1. Classification of Drugs used For Dyspepsia ,Click here
  2. Classification of Diarrhea and IBS ,Click here
  3. Classification of Laxatives ,Click here
  4. Classification of Hemorrhoids ,Click here
G)Classification of Vaccines 
  1. Classification of Vaccines ,Click Here

Local preparation for Anal and Rectal disorders

Hemorrhoids Drugs

Soothing Haemorrhoidals preparation

1.     bismuth subgalate
2.     zinc oxide
3.     hamamelis

Compound haemorrhoidal preparation with corticosteroids

Rectal sclerosants

Hemorrhoids Condition

Management of Anal fissure

Glyceryl trinitrate

Stages of Hemorrhoids

Drugs Affecting intestinal secretion

 Drugs Affecting biliary composition and flow

1.     ursodeoxycholic Acid

Bile Acid sequstrants

1.     Cholestyramine


Hemorrhoidal Banding

 Classification of All drugs
A) Classification of Drugs acting on Central Nervous System:-
  1. Classification of Anesthetics Drugs , Click here 
  2. Classification of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics Drugs , Click here
  3. Classification of Antipsycotic and Antimanic Drugs , Click here
  4. Classification of Anti Depressants , Click here
  5. Classification of Attention Deficit Hyper activity Disorder , Click here
  6. Classification of Drugs For Vertigo and Nausea ,Click here
  7. Classification of Opoids , Click here
  8. Classification of Anti Migraine ,Click here
  9. Classification of Epilepsy Drugs , Cllick here
  10. Classification of Parkinson Disease Drugs , Click here
  11. Classification of Drugs For Drugs Dependence ,Click here 
B) Classification of Cardiovascular Drugs
  1. Classification of Diuretics , Click here
  2. Classification of Antiarrhythmic Drugs , Click here
  3. Classification of Antihypertensive Drugs , Click here
  4. Classification of Angina Pectoris ,Click here
  5. Classification of Cardiac Sympathomimetic Drugs ,Clicik here
  6. Classification of Anti coagulant Drugs ,Click here
  7. Classification of Anti Fibrinolytic Drugs , Click here
  8. Classification of Anti Hyperlipidemic Drugs ,Click here
C) Drugs For Ear, Nose and Mouth 
  1.   Classification of Drugs for Ear, Nose and Mouth ,Click here
D) Classification of drugs used in Endocrine System
  1. Classification of Anti Diabetic Drugs , Click here
  2. Classification of Sex Hormones , Click Here
  3. Classification of Hypothalamic and Pituitary hormones , Click here
E) Classification of ophthalmic Drugs 
  1. Classification Of Ophthalmic Drugs, Click here
F) Classification of Drugs used For GIT
  1. Classification of Drugs used For Dyspepsia ,Click here
  2. Classification of Diarrhea and IBS ,Click here
  3. Classification of Laxatives ,Click here
  4. Classification of Hemorrhoids ,Click here
G)Classification of Vaccines 
  1. Classification of Vaccines ,Click Here

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