Sunday 22 November 2015



Acne is condition that happens when hair follicles got plugged with dead skin cells and oil.  It is characterized by pimples on skin, especially on face because of infected or inflamed sebaceous glands and is common mostly among adolescents.

It also appears on   neck, shoulders chest and back. Treatments are available. Acne may be consistent. The pimples heal slowly, and when one pimple starts to go away, others look to grow up.
Acne is common in teenagers 70 to 87 percent.  Younger children are more getting acne.

 Acne can produce emotional distress depending upon its severity and also scar the skin. Earlier start of treatment results in less your risk of physical and emotional destruction.

Thursday 19 November 2015



Tachycardia is more fast rate than normal heart rate noted at rest. A healthy heart rate is about 60 to 100 when a person is at rest. If a person has tachycardia, heart rate in lower chambers or upper chambers of heart or both will increase.
Heart rate can be controlled by signals electrically generated sent through heart tissues. It occurs by abnormality in heart producing rapid electrical signals.

It may cause or may not cause symptoms. But it can seriously disturb normal heart function, increasing risk of stroke, or may cause heart attack.
Tachycardia and Normal heart beat
EKG showing tachycardia
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Wednesday 18 November 2015


Difference of Normal and Bradycardia Heart rate

 Bradycardia is slower rate than normal rate of heart beat. Heart beats 60 to 100 times in a minute at rest in adult. Person with bradycardia have heart beats less than 60 times in a minute.
It may be serious if heart doesn’t provide enough oxygenated blood to the body. In many people it doesn’t cause complications and symptom.

 An implanted pacemaker and other treatments may correct bradycardia and help your heart maintain an appropriate rate.
Cardiogram Showing Bradycardia
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GERD Stomache on fire

Gastro esophageal reflux disease is chronic digestive disease. It happens when stomach acid, stomach content flows back into mouth. The reflux irritates lining of esophagus and causes Gastro esophageal reflux disease. 
NORMAL and GERD Stomache
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Monday 16 November 2015


vomiting sign
It is the ejection of matter through mouth through esophagus.
Vomiting smili

vomiting Ejection of matter
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Friday 13 November 2015


Vertigo symptoms
a feeling of spinning and  balance loss, specially  looking down from  height ,
 or disease disturbing  inner ear , vestibular nerve

vertigo definition

vestibuler system disturbance causing vertigo
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a sensation of vomiting but actually there is no vomiting
.It is different from vomiting because in it no ejection of anything from mouth


nausea sensation
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